When one partner leaves you want to be supportive to your friend that’s been left behind. When they’re sad or grieving they need your support. So how do you do that? Watch Your Own Anxiety As you drive over to their house, you know you have a job to do, after all...
What fascinates and interests me, is one simple observation…most people just want to be heard… We are after all social animals and our biology dictates that we interact and talk and commune with others. Our ability to express ourselves and our ability to listen are...
What did you say YES to? Your parents may have been amazing and I bet you’re grateful for what they taught you. Right? You may have picked up a handful of golden life nuggets from doting parents, but could they have gifted you some not so pleasant beliefs, ideas even...
Ever been stuck? I mean really stuck with a life problem or issue or situation that goes round and round and round in your head. You know you have thought about every option, every angle, every scenario and every possible answer but NaH! Nothing… you’re still STUCK....