This is part 2 of a 2 part series. This episode is my guest appearance on the SelfKind Podcast and a continuation of Episode 21. Here we unpack the individuals relationship with the self and how that impacts relationships. The role of mindfulness in our growth and...
This episode is part 1 of a 2 part series from The Selfkind Podcast. As a guest on the show I had a lot of fun talking about all manner of things.In this interview I talk about the difference between relationships at work and those you have with an intimate other.I...
This episode is for the highly sensitive person who tends to overthink situations and have a hard time setting boundaries. If you don’t already know what is bugging you, one of the fastest ways to notice what’s lying in your subconscious it is to catch yourself...
You can stop the outburst. You can calm yourself. You can soothe the moment. Many people say they smoke because it calms them down. In this episode we explore another way to self-soothe and create harmony before or during the wobbly moments of tension. If you want...
Brad Goodchild is the founder of Bikram Yoga Five Dock. In this episode, Brad drills into how yoga principles are such a powerful tool to tap into the power of the mind. Brad equates yoga to a body spring clean and shows us how a yoga practice can help you...
Cultivating loving kindness builds more acceptance. Loving kindness is a mindfulness practice marked by acts of kindness. It allows you to embody the qualities of love and kindness It allows you to build compassion for yourself and others. It reduces your bias towards...