Workshops For Relationships

7 Principles for making marriage work

  • Do you want more than unhelpful conflict resolution advice?
  • Do you want to learn to live happily with differences?
  • Would you like innovative methods that you can use now to make your marriage work?

Then this workshop is for you and your partner.

It’s based on the proven, practical and effective strategies in Dr Gottman’s research and they have been tried, tested and scientifically validated.

They simply work!


Day One:

You will learn how to move through time together, the art of building love maps, importance of sharing fondness and admiration, the concept of turning towards and building an emotional bank account, maintaining the positive perspective, ritualizing the daily stress-reducing conversation, and the topic of flooding, self-soothing, and taking breaks. 

Day Two:

You will learn how to recognize the four warning signs of relationship meltdown, practice the four steps of constructive problem solving, recognize the importance of fathers, understand baby blues, postpartum mood disorders and other mental health issues, how to connect with your children, preserve intimacy and romance in your relationship, and create shared meaning, values and rituals of connection. 

Bringing Baby Home

Lack of sleep, never-ending housework and new fiscal concerns can lead to profound stress and a decline in marital satisfaction – all of which affect baby’s care. Not surprisingly, 67% of new parents experience conflict, disappointment and hurt feelings.

This workshop is based on the Gottman Institute research. It is for pregnant and parenting couples who want the skills needed to encourage healthy, supportive family relationships.

It prepares couples for life with baby and helps them be the best parenting team possible. Parents learn to strengthen their relationship and foster baby’s development during this challenging time. They build on what Dr. Gottman and colleagues found is the best predictor of marital adjustment after baby arrives: the quality of friendship in the marriage.


  • Enhancing love maps
  • Nurturing fondness and admiration
  • Turning towards each other instead of away
  • Letting partners influence
  • Solving the solvable problems
  • Overcoming gridlock
  • Creating shared meaning

Next workshop is October 20th, 2020 click HERE to register.