Is Mindfulness a State or a Trait?

Is Mindfulness a State or a Trait?

People ask me “how do you do mindfulness”? My answer is always the same “it can’t be learnt as a concept because it’s a state and not a trait.” Mindfulness is a way of being…  it is as simple as breathing… if you can breathe you are doing it! I also get asked,...
Do You Have Relationship Intelligence?

Do You Have Relationship Intelligence?

In business as in life, we are all leaders. We may lead a team, a group, a family but more importantly, we lead ourselves on the journey called life. On this journey, you meet people, some you adore, some seem bland and others just plainly push your buttons and it...
Why You Should Attend Relationship Training

Why You Should Attend Relationship Training

You attend training for lots of things…but what about your relationships? Do you know all there is to know? Here are 16 reasons why you need to up-skill your relationship You will gain clarity You will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your partner You...
How To Be Happy In 3 Steps

How To Be Happy In 3 Steps

If Happy was a drink, what would it look like? I bet you secretly nominated your favourite alcoholic beverage… and you’re not alone! The majority of people turn to something outside of themselves to find Happy. The most common go – to option is alcohol but then weed...
“I’m OK” These Words Should Make You Doubt

“I’m OK” These Words Should Make You Doubt

“How are you?” “I’m OK” But do you really mean it? Lots of people go about their life feeling broken. You want to be fixed for your infidelity, or lack of confidence or your anxious state or because you’re just not likable. “FIX ME!” “You...
How is Listening Like Lovemaking?

How is Listening Like Lovemaking?

What fascinates and interests me, is one simple observation…most people just want to be heard… We are after all social animals and our biology dictates that we interact and talk and commune with others. Our ability to express ourselves and our ability to listen are...
Are Your Self Beliefs Lies?

Are Your Self Beliefs Lies?

What did you say YES to? Your parents may have been amazing and I bet you’re grateful for what they taught you. Right? You may have picked up a handful of golden life nuggets from doting parents, but could they have gifted you some not so pleasant beliefs, ideas even...
From Stuck To Free in 5 steps

From Stuck To Free in 5 steps

Ever been stuck? I mean really stuck with a life problem or issue or situation that goes round and round and round in your head. You know you have thought about every option, every angle, every scenario and every possible answer but NaH! Nothing… you’re still STUCK....
STOP Apologising for Your Tears

STOP Apologising for Your Tears

Have you ever felt empty? Are you suffering? Have your emotions run away from you as tears? Do you stop to think about the meaning of YOUR life? Victor Frankl in his award-winning book “Man’s Search For Meaning”, talks about the suffering he endured in the...
Let’s Have Genuine Conversations At Work

Let’s Have Genuine Conversations At Work

This blog started as a rant on my Facebook page and then… I thought otherwise. I read the headlines in an article in Business Insider and I was mad. As I read further I was reassured but not enough for me to let it go! The article ( linked below) offers business...
Have You Made Any Mistakes Lately?

Have You Made Any Mistakes Lately?

Have you ever done something, even though that little voice inside was screaming NO!… NO!… STOP!… DON’T DO THIS! and you did it anyway? … and as expected, the outcome was disastrous!!! Well you are not alone! I have made a whoppa of a mistake…...
The Key to Care-Full Relationships

The Key to Care-Full Relationships

I sat and listened to the story She poured out her sadness and distress. She really wanted to connect with her daughter. She was sick of the yelling, screaming and slammed doors. “I try so hard” … she said. So I asked the obvious question, “how do you...
Is a Work Culture of Care Made of Flowers and Hugs?

Is a Work Culture of Care Made of Flowers and Hugs?

Some people are surprised when I tell them my business name and I’ve concluded that it may be confronting for some. The conversation goes like this… My new business name is culture of care Why? Because that name accurately speaks to my values and it’s what I want to...
Don’t Avoid Conflict

Don’t Avoid Conflict

Some people avoid the conversations that they think will hurt their partner. Others fear getting hurt themselves. If you disagree on an issue, remember …conflict can bring you closer. Your goal is to stop the conflict from escalating into a full-blown screaming match...
When Work Doesn’t WORK

When Work Doesn’t WORK

I sat next to a first year Uni student at an event. He was doing engineering and he told me quite frankly he hated it!!! He was wondering what to do with his life. This is not an uncommon story. I usually see the adult version of this person in my clinic…. Many years...
Many Years Ago

Many Years Ago

Many years ago, I ran a program called “Super Kids” and it gave kids a “toolkit for life”. …My kids were young and I was very much part of their world and I knew the joy, pain, laughter and hurt of growing up, so it was natural that I should run such a program and...